Hello class! Today’s lesson is how to avoid having funky spunk! I was talking with a friend last week, who knows what I do. She said “I just don’t get the cum eating, I mean I’ve tasted it. It’s not that good” She went on to say that she’s dumped guys after that first taste because she ain’t dealing with no funky SPUNK! Let’s take a look at cum eating and avoiding funky spunk syndrome. Now a bit of a disclaimer: If you do eat or want to eat other peoples spunk, please be safe and vet your spunk provider thoroughly to avoid any health ramifications. Ok , the keeping my ass out of jail disclaimer has been met, lets the spunk games begin!

Why Eat Cum

Funky spunk

Do you suffer from funky spunk syndrome?

So the conversation went on about why there’s such an attraction to eating ejaculate. She said it’s soooo naughty! I clapped with glee and agreed, and said “that’s one of the major motivations to eating cum!  The taboo/erotic factor!”  No, I won’t think you are gay if you eat that cum for me. Besides,  eating cum will not make you gay. That’s not the taboo part.

Straight Alpha males are not supposed to eat ejaculate, right? To do so would be emasculating to them. But to do so at my behest is not only sensually humiliating but is also a perfect demonstration of your submission to me. Of that power shift. Of you going against your cultural encoding and submit your mind, and your body to me and my pleasures.

Gay males who do enjoy sucking cock and eating cum also come face to face with ejaculate and although they probably come across funky spunk on  a regular basis it proves to further inflame their desire. Each splash of that sticky goo reaffirming their sexuality, proving their place as a proud gay male. But guys that doesn’t mean you have to put up with funky spunk!

Ten Ways to Avoid Funky Spunk

Your body’s fluids are a reflection upon your body in whole. Keep that in mind. Your sweat,  your ejaculate and yes ladies your soft liquid center all are reflections of the health of your body.
1- No tobacco! Smoking, and tobacco makes your spunk junk!
2- Reduce or eliminate alcohol.
3- Reduce or eliminate cruciferous veggies
4- Reduce or eliminate red meats (Oh, stop your bawlin’ “what about the T-bone” , what do you want sport, a BJ or a steak? Yea, I thought so)
5- Better hygiene- Keep yourself free of B.O., and trim the bushes boys! Do I have to tell you why? #Musty #MakeItNice #funkyjunk
6- Increase spices: Nutmeg, cinnamon
7- Increase fruits: All fruits may help, but pineapple is the most popular, and my favorite cantaloupe!
8- Regular exercise
9- Overall healthy diet
10-Increase water intake

All of the above will help reduce the chemicals that make funky spunk , while others will help improve the taste. They are in no particular order, and you’ll have to practice with how much, alcohol or red meat you can eat without getting funky spunk syndrome.  I think a healthy diet of cum two or three times a week is in order, to prefect the taste of that spunk.

Of course, YOU will be the one eating it, pet.

I did all of this for YOU.

You’re welcome.

Read more about Cum Eating on Intelligent Phone Fantasy, then give me a call!

Until we chat ????

Benevolent Mistress, Erika

If you are driving I don’t want you reading! Click here to listen. You’ll  hear some of my ad-lib’s to this post!