Advanced Cock Control

I have touched upon a few guiding themes when it comes to cock control, Vis-à-vis orgasm control. Today we are going to look at Advanced Cock Control. Or some call it Extreme Cock Control. I refer to it as F-U-N!  I have to warn you, what we are about to look at is...

Masturbation Humiliation Part 2

Last time I reviewed my ideas of what a mild masturbation humiliation fantasy can look like. If you didn’t see my first post, get caught up with mild masturbation humiliation.  Again, any of these levels of heat can come custom with your hot and sexy trigger...

Cock Control With Mistress Erika

Cock Control Beginnings: Learning I’d like to break my blog-maiden here at LDW by posting my first blog about learning cock control!  I love loved learning about cock control to solve a particular, shall we say “issue”,  but continue to  learn about...