The Most Exciting Page On My Blog: When And How To Connect With Me!

I’m thrilled you want to know more about my schedule.
Enjoy reviewing your options.

Note: all times we discuss are Eastern U.S. time zone.
We will use Eastern time when arranging our session.

If I’m scheduled to take calls but show “not on” (red), I may just be taking a short break.
You may ask dispatch for more information, I often tell them how long I’ll be offline when taking a quick break.

Or feel free to keep refresh my page until you see me GREEN!

Ready To Connect?

If I am logged on and you are aching to chat, then all you have to do is:
Call Dispatch 1-800-601-6975 and ask to speak with Erika!

Our friendly dispatcher will process your transaction and send you right to me!

If I happen to be in session when you call, ask the dispatcher if a  “call back” is available.
When I’m finished, I’ll be routed right to you!

click to call 18+ phone sex

Click To Call

Would you prefer a more automated option?

Then you want to use our click-to-call feature.

See the badge at the top right of my blog?
It will look like the image  too the left.
-If it’s green click!
-Fill in the form
-Upon successful purchase you’ll be
    sent right to me!

Too Nervous? Don't Have The Privacy For A Call?

Then our sexy texting option is for you! This is what you do.

Send a message to Me on Skype, to make sure I am available for you.
(Hint, click that link above, to open skype and have it direct you to me)

Send a friendly hello, like “Hi Mistress Erika are you available for a texting (Skype ) session?
I will reply if I am not in a session.  Conversely, If I am in a session, I will not reply.

Once I confirm I’ll send you off to  purchase A Sexy Texting Session

Don’t have Skype? Email me at Erika(at), to meet up in our Chat Room!
Leave plenty of lead time for me to get the email and respond!  I also have a Discord account and we can play there! I don’t monitor Discord, so emailing me with plenty of lead time is recommended!


Outside of my typical log-on hours, I offer appointments. How would you go about doing that?
Follow these guidelines.

1-Communication via email or text before the session to plan a time and a date.
2-Once I confirm “Yes, Let’s play at XYZ time” you have an appointment and I guarantee* I’ll be there!

Please be prompt for your session or communicate any changes ASAP. I cannot hold myself indefinitely, and will consider you no show after waiting  ten minutes past our appointment time.

Keep In Mind: I usually need at least 48 hours’ notice.
I may be able to reply and confirm before 48 hours, but to ensure your time, more notice is better!



If you haven’t made an appointment and I’m not logged on, you can try your request option. Go to our Erotic Concierge (chat help desk) and ask them to text me for your session.

If I’m home and available I’ll get back to them within 5 minutes! Please keep request times between 7am to 9pm Eastern time,  Requests are not available
on Tuesday.


Contact Options

Email: Erika(AT SYMBOL)
Skype: Click here to connect on Skype
X (twitter) DM: Erika Enchantrix

Protecting Your Privacy
You may use prepaid gift/credit cards, 18+ only. You may use a pseudonym with me if you like.
Read more about how we protect your privacy. The LDW Difference

*appointment guarantee:
If I confirm a time and a date for our appointment and something urgent comes up and I am unable to keep our appointment
I will inform you and/or dispatch of the emergency, and give you TEN free minutes with me, on a future call.