I have some phone sex exciting news! It’s Enchantrix Empire’s Phone Sex Anniversary! LDW/Enchantrix is celebrating by giving you , our dedicated callers some treats!

Some of the treats are from our Head Mistress Ally, others are from me! I’m adding more to the fun and hope you help us celebrate 19 years of kink!

Ms. Ally Treats

2-Mistress Tuesdays* – 10 minutes with two sexy ladies  for $27.50 ! (regular rate for anything over ten minutes)

Rollback Wednesdays $125 per hour (phone or text, must be used all at once)

Surprise Saturday & Sunday (random callers will get goodies such as free and discounted calls)

Additionally, each 30-minute call or text gives  you one entry to win a prize!

We are  including our sexy stores! Every $80 store purchase gets an entry.
Check out Sexy Audio‘s instantly ready for purchase. Our erotic custom audio site where we create an explosion together and Kinky Phone Sex Assignments!

* Two Mistress Tuesdays- I am typically off that day but if you would like a Two Mistress call with me in Tuesday, let’s make an appointment !


Grand prize–  One winner will receive all calls in December at $1.99 per minute
Second prize –  One winner will receive all calls in December at $2.50 per minute
Third prize –  One winner will receive a 60-minute call in December for $100
Fourth prize –  One winner will receive a 30 minute 2-Mistress call for the price of 1 Mistress
Fifth  prize –  One winner will receive a 15-minute custom audio from the Mistress of their choice

I’m going to make this phone sex anniversary celebration even bigger
When you call me in November!

All you have to do is tell the dispatcher you want Ms Erika’s Anniversary Celebration treat!

 Any one hour paid session( or more ) during November  I will add ten free minutes to the call!
Ten free must be used at the time of the call, so 70 min call you are billed for 60. 80,70 etc

Every New Caller* To Me Gets Five Free Added Minutes to your ten minute session minimum session!
So your ten minute session just turned into fifteen. Planning to call longer? Perfect, I’ll take care of five of them
up to the hour,  then give you ten free (just like above) Free minutes must be taken at the time of the call.

Remember to tell the dispatcher this is your first session with me and you want Erika’s Anniversary treats!

*New callers are those who have never had a session with me before, or haven’t in over a year!

Drawing For Prizes

Every call to me in November gets put into a prize pool!

Grand Prize: 19 Minute Texting session over skype or email. Texting, cam and voice over skype calls are included
Two Second Place Prizes: 10 Minutes added to your paid call*.
Two Third Place Prizes:  5 Minutes added to your paid call*.

*paid call minimum of ten minutes, so your ten minute call turns to 15 etc.