Three Mistress Feminization

Or also known as the greatest day in your life. Three Mistress Feminization session (say that ten times fast) was such a blast recently , I just have to share in this months *First Saturday blog.  It features two, that’s right TWO OTHER sexy Enchantrix...

The Firm Continued Feminization

Hi there readers! I enjoy bringing you a bit of fantasy to read, so I am introducing First Saturday’s.  The first Saturday of the Month, if it pleases me to do so, I’ll post a short fantasy story.   Or, like here, continue on in a series. If you have an...

The Firm: Feminization Transformation

No one guessed the secret from the first part in this series: The firm Sexy Feminization. Here is another installment continuing our story and Sam experiences his Feminization Transformation. Still can’t figure it out? Enjoy! 😉 Early Feminine Changes It has been...

The Firm Sexy Feminization

Hello dear readers! There is a bit of a secret behind this blog. Can you guess what it is? Post your comments below and we’ll see if any of you guessed correctly!  Enjoy part ONE of The Firm, Sexy Feminization The Firm Sam was looking for a change of pace and...