Masturbate Her, did that get your attention? I’m sure it did. Hello fans, today’s Masturbation Blog Train entry is flipping the script! While I , along with my other Sister Mistresses, Like Ms Bethany’s post: Caught JOI masturbating, often focus on the male and masturbation. Today I’m going to give you some very valuable information regarding Female Masturbation!
Some of you know what you are doing when it comes to playing with that delicious pussy. While many (M A N Y) of you dive in rooting around, and hope something you do turns her on! If you’re lucky your biological need- to please her is fulfilled, and you do enough to give her a glorious orgasm! Ha!
So today I’m going to give you three things you should know about female masturbation, and how this simple inclusion into your sexual repertoire can open that kinky door to more kinky play!
Masturbate Her Learning The Lay Of The Land
First things first, an anatomy lesson. Guys, aside from looking at and stroking that penis to the site of a “pussy” how much do you really know about the actual sexual organ we call the “Pussy”. The “Pussy” is actually a multifarious delight, comprised of all different erotic hot points that you should be aware of.
The technical name for “all that you see” is the Vulva. The Vulva is comprised of the pubis , the pelvic bone covered in varying shapes and thickness of flesh aka: “mons”. Then the little man in the boat, the clitoris. I take a bit of umbrage to referring the clitoris as the “little man in a boat” but that is best saved for explanation another day. If you are like many I know, and are intimidated by having to figure out how to pronounce that word click here: Clitoris for the common U.S. English pronunciation.

Female Vulva
To back up a bit: I did what many of you guys do, as an example , and ignored the clitoral hood. Think of it as the female equivalent to foreskin. Then you have the urethra, Labia Majora the outer lips, and Labia minora the softer more velvety inner folds which lead to Nirvana, for many, the vagina. But don’t forget the perineum anus as well!
Now that you have your anatomy lesson for the day, how the “F” do we “use this knowledge Erika!?!?”
*silly grin* Glad you asked!
One Thing You Need To Know About Masturbating Her
Much to many males chagrin female masturbation is a journey to be enjoyed, not just “touch here, push there, BOOM!” I know , I know, you are hard wired to be efficient , “do what works” step one , step two and BOOM you get get to that GOAL Of the O!
But stop! Don’t do it. Your lady love will appreciate and keep coming back for more if you head my advice. So, slow-down-buckaroo! You see, few females want you to dive right in and start pounding the vagina with your dick, or other items. True too, is few want you to start with the clitoris and stroking it. I know it’s a difficult concept to wrap your head around. I know you want to stroke that fuck stick between your legs, as soon as it starts to tingle. But we ain’t dealing with your penis right now, so cool your tool and listen up!
Sit back and enjoy all the parts of her sex.
RULE ONE: The clit and vagina are places to journey TO. It is not, and I repeat: NOT the first and last visit on your journey!

Masturbate Her
Masturbate Her Second Thing You Need to Know
Much like my Tits 101 post, a few weeks ago no grabbing ,slapping, pinching unless she specifically said she likes it! Even then, even if she likes it “rough” let’s have a bit of warm up, shall we? Your fingers exploring her breasts, mouth giving her tender kisses and licks how she likes it. Then use those fingers to tease and entice and warm up that pretty pussy by NOT touching the hot buttons!
What? Turn her on by not touching her sex button or pounding that velvety flesh?
Yep, and here’s why. I’m far from an expert in anatomy but I know enough to know that our nervous system doesn’t start and end in the clit! Massaging, stroke and tickle around her hips, either side of the spine, then her ass. The nerves which feed the brain and the pussy travel through here. Very subtle stimulation yes. But stimulation none the less. Plus she’ll feel sexy, when you tell her how sexy her curves ARE! *raises eyebrow* Women are turned on my what she hears, as you are turned on by what you see. Start gentle, if you don’t dirty talk already. Comment on how she turns you on, how you love her skin, curves etc.
Remember the old adage that women’s sexual response is more like a furnace? It is true! You are feeding the furnace, darling. Adding smaller bits of kindling which will ignite in a lasting flame!
Now continue with the touches and massage with your fingers to the inside of her thigh, up to the groin and around the vulva, one of the major nerves that link to her clit reside there! Not to mention something that might come as a surprise to you, in the next few paragraphs.
Stimulating the labia majora and minora with fingers tips. Fingers stroking. Gentle massaging of the labia and putting your palm on the mons pubis and placing firm pressure just might result in her humping and pushing against your hand! Woo hoo!!
By now you should be receiving a lot of feedback from her, be it verbal or paying attention to her body’s response. Part of a Woman’s sexual response is increased lubrication, you know that, I know that. It’s why so so many love the sight of wet panties! Arousal indicator! yay!
Third Thing To Know
Once you’ve warmed up that furnace, time to get busy! But not so fast, hot shot. The clitoris is filled with very sensitive nerve endings, 8,000 to be precise!! That’s about double the amount of your typical circumcised penis. Plus, they are jam packed into a smaller package! You uncut fellas , well it’s said you have 20,000 including the foreskin, but over a larger area.

Clitoris , learn and love it!
So what does this mean? It means, unlike what you see in porn vids you need to tread lightly! Also all that lovely touching and massaging around the Labia Majora? Take a look at this diagram of the clitoris. As you can see the little button you are usually in search for is the smallest and most visible part of the entire clitoris, but see how it branches out and down inside the body! In particular they run along inside the body along the labia!
A very good reason why it feels good to stimulate that area! Notice the corpus cavernosum? Having owned a penis, for how many years, does that sound familiar? It’s spongy erectile tissue, and it feels good to rub YOUR corpus cavernosum, why wouldn’t it feel good to rub mine!? Tee hee, isn’t biology F-U-N!
Clitoris And Communication
Communication is key. So since the clit is such a powerhouse of pleasure each clit owner likes different kinds of stimulation. So don’t assume that your GF Sally who liked a “cum hither” motion on her love button, doesn’t mean your new girl friend Jane will like the same. Soft fingers moving that clitoral hood , sliding it along that aroused button. And communicate communicate communicate.
Try different things, soft up and down, or gentle circular motion. Paying attention to her responses and even ask “Do you like that?”
But fellas,a word of warning: coming from this side of your fingers think of other things you can say. Kinda a turn off for you to be panting “ya you like it? Ya ya you Like it baaaaaaabe, do ya like it” ad infinitum. Think of things you can say before your brain is addled with testosterone. You can say “Do you like that” ONCE, keep saying it over and over -is creepy.
Some Alternatives, You look so hot, I hope you like this. Harder? Softer? My favorite “SHOW ME” Or “Teach Me”.
Put down your manly “competent in all things masculine toxicity” and learn and enjoy your partner!
The Vagina
Finally you are at the vagina, and the elusive G spot! Yay!!
Using one or more fingers, when you feel her slippery wet, gently insert and put pressure on the walls of the vagina. Finger tips pointing up to her mons. Even spreading your fingers a bit. It’s the fullness and pressure which feels good. Your slim fingers may not have the same erotic effect as your dick. Remember we are used to using feminine hygiene products, they feel like “nothing” really. Compare your finger with one. See what I mean? So more than one finger = better. stroking and massaging, spreading fingers= best!
Masturbation Can Lead To Kinkier Play
Once you know how to drive her wild through masturbation, ramp up the kink factor! Here’s some things to move to/ introduce.
- Mutual Masturbation where you both masturbate yourselves in front of each other.
- Including Masturbation Toys, and with toys add a little role play or fantasy into the play.
- Use your new found skilz orally
- Perineum and anal play.
I left out some from the above instructions for a reason. If your partner isn’t very experienced or open (kink) minded take things one step at a time. Once they are comfortable (may take several or more encounters) move on or introduce something else!
Either talk before hand “what if I did this” Or during your tête-à-tête AFTER Playing with the vulva stimulate softly the perineum or anus (no penetration) whisper “tell me to stop, if you want”, “I want to explore you” “You are so sexy”. Words of love and adoration always a PLUS!
Pro Tip Corner:
- Please keep in mind that you always want to move “pussy” to “anus” never the other way around without clean up.
- Keep your nails trimmed! Nothing sends a masturbation session to a screaming halt than a sharp nail scraping along delicate folds!
- Moisturize those hands. Sure, some women like the sensation of sand paper ripping along their labia but I’ll wager a bet she’s not in your bed!
- Same applies for oral pleasures. There are few women out there who want a Brillo pad diving in their muff! So shave or wait until the beard grows out a bit and stops being so “cactus like”.
So there you have it! A great start to your new life worshiping that pussy! Now go out and “take one for the team” Let me know how it goes! Remember you always have to try things more than once. I know once your play partner trust you around her divine play space, she’ll relax and enjoy it as much as you! Remember to reward the hell out of her (her reward: Flowers? Doing dishes? Making a meal?) when her behavior steps in the right direction. Orgasms are great, and for some a great reward. Heap that reward on by offering to do things outside of the bedroom to please her and pretty soon those small steps will lead to “Oh la la!”
I have an advance “masturbate her” technique which just might blow both of your minds! So give me a call and ask “Erika, please please PLEASE tell me your special “Masturbate Her” technique!
Now, tomorrow (May 16) check out Ms Nadia’s post: No Cummies For You! Tease and Denial JOI with an emphasis on DENIAL
Until We Chat ????
Intelligent Phone Fantasy Sex Education Mistress
Mistress Erika
Great ‘hands on’ guide to the Goddess orgasm….it must be a divine thing to experience…absent all that messy male cum and erections….If ever given the chance i will use these tips for sure….Knowledge is power….erm, i mean ‘powerful orgasms”
Thank you princess! But a blog such as this, is not only geared to those who want to be a better lover to their lady love, but as a reminder and tease for others of what they will never have #PussyFreeForLife
Miss Erika,
This is a very informative, well thought out post. It’s very detailed. And, until I read your response to Princess, it didn’t really connect with me. Then the light bulb went on! You were reminding me of what I will never have! You explained the intricacies and details of pleasing a female. While I TOTALLY appreciate that AND love and respect you (and all women), it’s just not for me. #pussyfree4life. #gaynotbi. #Aaronisgay. #Ilovecock.
Thank you for the reminder! It reinforces who hi I TRULY am!
Hey there Aaron!
I was just thinking about you last week! Hope you are doing well and being naughty! Tee hee.
Also- that’s right gayboi, although you are as cute as a button…we don’t want your little button, anyway it’s best you are #Gay XOXO
You don’t know how good that makes me feel! NO woman wants my button?! That is SOOOOOO affirming! The struggle can finally end. I’m one of the girls now (figuratively)
#ErikaHappyDances around her blog! Yaaaaaaaaay!
#AaronHappyDances around his gay self!!!!!
Mistress Erika,
You have outdone yourself. Should I call you Doctor Erika?
What I would give to explore your magnificent Vulva. I would ask first to allow me to just stare and admire it. As you know from our previous conversations I would spend a lot of time and attention on what I am sure is your beautiful luscious Labium Minora. My greatest reward would be to find your Vagina filled with your lovers cum, warm and ready for me to clean it up. Not one drop should be wasted!!
Your Cum Slut C&N Boy Toy Tom
LOL Tom! IKR? I am NOT a doctor, but I can play one in session! *winks*
MMMMMM what a naughty reply, cum slut boy toy! Woo hoo! Love!!
Thanks for your lovely and naughty words!
This was a great post Goddess Erika even though i wont ever do any of this stuff as i am not worthy. I learned from this blog post because i have never been anywhere near that place my entire life. As i to will be #PussyFreeForLife. That is without a chastity cage which makes it even funnier.
#NotWorthy #SlaveTim #NoPussy #Virginforlife
You can only dream, tiny one!
This is a great post Erika! Thank you for laying down the groundwork and giving the clueless or ill informed a map to feminine pleasure. After all you’re not sanding wood, get it? Sanding wood? *snortlaugh* Happy masturbation may to you sexy! xoxo
LOL Oh Ms Brighton! You are very clever!
Thanks for the giggles sexy thing! Thanks for stopping by as well!
Great blog!!! Especially now that you’ve put me on orgasm control along with continued feminization as stroking your clitty is out of the question as you have me rubbing it instead all dressed up as your submissive weak helpless soft and feminine cream puff girl using my vibe in doing this. With all of this happening I’ve become the girl I was always meant to be as I really do look better this way with wig/makeup/lipstick/bra/breast forms/panties/dress and heels.
Yay! And you are doing spectacularly our little hunny bunny, cream puff girl!
Very informative and i love the pictures with explanations! It’s like the class in school that i never had but always wanted.
Hey there Jizzaline BIMBO slut! Great to see you ova here! Thanks for the nice comment and “you’re welcome” *winks*
Mistress Erika,
I am going crazy…I miss it…Need social distancing to end soon…
I need to take a soft warm penis in my willing mouth and turn it into a rock hard, pulsating, squirting COCK!
I will not spill a drop! ????????????♂️
Your Cum Slut, C&N, Boy Toy AND Cock sucker Tom
Hey Tom! I hear you , a lot of naughties are SOoooooooo Frustrated right now!
Makes me smile! *winks* Aside from making kinky dreams come true #Denial is just as juicy.