Hello pets, fans and assorted naughty kinksters! Today I want to address your absence. You know we had a lot of fun playing with the kink you bring to my table, but life sometimes takes turns we don’t expect. I get that. Add to the mix of COVID and well many lives have been turned upside down! It has been a difficult year for many.
Now with old man winter really giving the USA a big spiked dong right up the bunghole, I know it is difficult to find that special time to connect! But aside from our recent difficulties there are other factors at play, that I will address today.
Refractory Period Of Kink
In addition to 2020’s kibosh on our kinky lives there is what I refer to as the refractory period of kink. You guys are familiar with this, right? That period of time after orgasm where “you are done”, you stop the porn or (In session) hurriedly hang up without a goodbye! I never really did get too annoyed if you’ve done that, and mostly just chuckle to myself. After all how much effort does it take to say “Thanks Erika , bye!” ????????
I get it tho, with that orgasm our kinky play doesn’t hold as much interest. This holds true for your kinky desires, if not more so.
It’s true the longer you go between orgasms, the hornier you are the less inhibited you feel and behave. I exploit that hormone fogged condition to our mutual satisfaction! However once that O hits there are a lot of conflicting feelings that come rushing back in. I’m not saying that it is a must, but it is very common. It is one reason why I hear a lot of nervous giggles or laughing when you orgasm. All that pent up energy it provides an additional release of energy. Not to mention with that fog cleared I’m sure many of you say to yourself “WTF did I JUST “DO” , or WTF did I just SAY” ????????????????.
There is some truth to the adage “True Domination Starts After The Orgasm”. It’s all fun and kinky until SOMEONE CUMS! ????
Very few of us have unlimited funds for having fun! Myself included.I understand you may save up for your session and that I am your guilty pleasure. So if you need a few weeks or even months to save enough to have some special time with me I understand! It actually makes me feel very special that you have an “Mistress Erika” fund!
You can still interact with me outside of session. I’m on twitter everyday, and I also stop by Enchantrix Empire! Of course pleasing me with comments on my blog posts are always titillating!
There are ways you can save by using some of our kinky options. Enchantrix Empire you gain points for activity, you can cash in those points for a free call! We have a rate my call option, as well as Enchantrix Perks! Most of these have been covered on my blog: Please Read Mistress Erika’s Tips On Great Phone Sex
All Good
I may be a Dominant Woman, and even a Mean Mistress when needed but those two aspects doesn’t mean I’ll treat you “meanly” if you return from a long absence. So if you’ve been out of touch for a week, month , year or longer I do not want you to hesitate ONE moment to connect with me again. I will be here , with open arms and welcome you back with a smile!
Until We Chat ????
Intelligent Phone Fantasy Mistress Erika
Mistress Erika, should you ever tire of your current profession (heaven forbid) a career at the Weather Network is certainly in the cards! You would definitely have a legion of loyal viewers tuning in nightly to watch your colourful forecasts. I can assure your my barometric pressure would be rising.
Now as you know, me hanging up hurriedly has never been an issue (I want you to the last drop!????). Even if I could talk to you all day there would still be something left to say.
Which brings us to the next point…Budget! Now, winning the lottery has really never been a viable financial plan, but that has never stopped us.
Should Lady Luck smile on me with a multi million dollar win I envision being able to set up some kind of “Batphone” arrangement with you.
Failing that I will continue to make more modest withdrawals from my (love this!) “Mistress Erika” account! So funny!
One of the many wonderful things about you Mistress Erika, is that you avail yourself to your pets so that we can be close to you through the means you describe. I cannot express the joy it gives me to leave a comment on your posts for your perusal.
Thanks for a delightful post.
And just to go back to the weather for a moment…I have 8 inches.
Unfortunately it needs to be shoveled off my driveway!❄️
Oh My darling little peg! I so enjoy your energy , enthusiasm and support! You are very much appreciated! It certainly brightens my day to see your comments!
and I just about spit out my coffee with your 8 inch reference! Clever peg, I adore you!!!
Well Mistress Erika is not a spitter. Misstress Erika could work at home Depot or Lowes. Mistress Erika can make everyone get wood.
Why would I work for less pay , and do the same thing? LOL SILLY AST!
Hi Goddess Erika, At first when reading this post i thought you were going on a well deserved vacation. The winter has been really bad lately where it was three straight weeks of never being above 8 degrees and seeing nothing but white outside. That and covid just means i call you much more.
Even though i have found my level at working for $7.25 an hour but i was smart enough to save my money when i had a good paying job which means i can afford to pay you to ignore me now.
You are such a great Mistress.
Hi tiny slave!
Aww thank you for that “well deserved vacation” comment. Well COVID certainly changed any vacation plans I might have had! But I won’t let that get me down, I’ll just take that $$ and roll it over and really SPLURGE ‘when this is all done” Can you say First Class all the way baby!?
I hear you, 2021 is shaping up to be a 2020 rerun! But lucky for US we have each other. To help prop each other up during difficult times. You know how kicking you in the nads, or teasing your tiny dangle while in that spiked cage lifts my spirits! ????
I love that you pay me to ignore you, it feels SO RIGHT!!
Looking forward to an extra day off in March or April lounging by my pool because my sweet little loser pet is paying for my days wages.
Hi Misstress Erika i used the K you corrected me i noticed on Twitter you banned me westher accidentally or on purpose so be it i was hung up on you i actually feel in love with you as dumb as it sounds. I had a wonderful lady named Erica and she wis Mexican but she looks Oriental.and when she roller skated with the Chinese allstar skaters the Asian women Chinese women would walk up to her and speek Chinese to her i stopped seeing her because shee drank too much. What a fucking dummy i amAny how i used to be in love with you i don’t know. If you banned me on Twitter .accidenly or on purpose any how i tried calling you and Stephanie but there is some kind of card problem WTF. I HAVE A CONDO AT A NUDIST RESORT PARADISE Lakes so if:you ladies just wanna have fun?
Mistress Erika love your blog
Mistress Erika love your blog
Thank you, pet. ????
Took much needed vacation with parents!!! No dressing/getting hard was involved whatsoever. Just time well spent away from work/relaxing on beach/in water enjoying the beautiful weather!!! With fashion experience upcoming with cabi friend/her gf and back to calling you/ms Daphne other led mistresses. Looking forward to this!!
Carli !! OMG hello darling! SO glad to hear about how fantastic your vacation was!! Wooo hoo! We Missed you and glad
you are “recharged” “refreshed” and ready to get back to your feminization journey!! ????????
Thanks for getting us! You know the psychology of men VERY well. The post orgasm recoil is pretty powerful, if I do say so myself. It’s one thing to just clean up and go on you’re day when you’re done. But, when there’s a dildo in your ass, you’re wearing a bra and there’s a camera on a tripod recording, there’s definitely a “WTF was I doing?!” moment. BUT, I ALWAYS come back. For that I thank you! To my next WTF moment.
???? yea I do, don’t I?
You made me laugh with that image, “bra and dildo” and when YOU say DILDO- you DO mean DIL-the fucking-DO #SIzeQueen
you’ll feel that hot cock for HOURS if not days, no escaping what a naughty slut you’ve been! Tee hee.
Erika, it is always a pleasure to have a session with you. I also really appreciate your acceptance after a hiatus due to 2020 issues. I always try to say thank you and good bye because your sessions are so intense and pleasurable. THANK YOU FOR LISTENING AND WEAVING ROLE PLAYS THAT ARE AMAZING!
aww Hi AE! How sweet you used your moniker “always Erika” I’m glad you enjoy our sessions
and the naughty role-play! You are very naughty! I LOVE ITT!
Oh Ms Erika,
Curtsey, you must always tell me if I have been naughty, rude or impolite. Sissy always tries to be good for you and the other ladies here.
Sadly I haven’t been able to call you for such a long time but I have tried to keeps some contact as I miss you so so much, not sure if you realise how much.
Curtsey, twirlllllllllllll I always your sissy girl
I hope you are well my Owner, Mistress, Superior, better and my inspiration to be a truly real lady one day.
aww belinda, I know it’s been so difficult for you and many for a LONG TIme! I’ve seen you pop up occasionally, we sure do miss you!
Thanks for stopping by! ????
It has been a while.
Hey Naughty R! It has been a while! How is everything on your side of the keyboard!
Hope we connect soon! ????
This is a very understanding and encouraging post Mistress Erika. It demonstrates why you are so good with submissive sissies like me.
Your comment about true domination beginning after the orgasm is really true and very important. Submission and sexual slavery is exciting when you are horny, but it is thrilling and lasting when you submit because you are deeply committed to serving a domme and being a slave. As you know, I am a sissy slut and have served several Dommes in live and lengthy session as their sex slave. One of my mistresses hosts a weekend retreat for up to 6 male slaves and featuring 4 dommes in residence. To push their attending slaves to a higher level of submission, I proposed that she allow me to serve as the sissy slut for the weekend and require each participating slave to fuck me each morning and each evening before receiving their slave treatment from the dommes. I would maintain completely feminine attire and attitude 24/7 and be locked in the slave quarters with the slave participants so they could “cum” and go as they like, but they could not submit to their mistresses with a hard cock. True domination begins after the orgasm.
She liked the idea but needed to discuss it thoroughly with the other dommes before giving it a try. I am hoping they take me up on my idea.
Hey Samantha! Thanks for stopping by. What a delicious sounding weekend! I know you’d be the best little sissy slut slave they could ever have!!
So Mistress Erika brains with the awesome rack. What are you doing now ? You got a man? I used to make you samwiches tonight i made spaghetti and sausage. And served pee now griecego wine i bought a 1963 pink Caddilac Fleetwood 4 dr hardtop today so how are you beautiful Erika? I am drunk and going to the hot tub naked i don’t wanna be a sissy no more i don’t care how small my dick is i know how to use my tongue and my pee pee more wine garsoon. We need to party together Erika.
The waxing and waning of interest really is amazing. Interest may be the wrong word. The interest is there, but the motivation to engage varies greatly. After an intense kinky run for a while I found my focus shifted away from kinkiness almost completely. It was odd at first after such a focus. Now as the weather turns nicer, the insanity of the last year fades I’m seeing the desire perk back up.
Maybe it’s seasonal….LOL….who knows?
Hey Spanky spankerson! Wooo hoo! Hello YOU! Oh I think there is some truth to the old adage “spring fever” ????
Missed you
I tried calling you . Filled out all the forms
and your mobile phone is for crap? Many use the click to call feature and it works for them
Perhaps you are on a 1G network? 😉
I got 4 gs it’s something with the card honey you ever here of Calientie or Paradise Lakes you are a Florida Woman i am retired now so lets party saftely ok gourgeous beauty Erika
I am pourijg another glass if wine join me darling?
Misstress Erika you are a gourgeous hottie and will be for 20 + more years so enjoy your beauty don’t ruin it cause i wanna nail you in 20 years when i am 87 if you smoke. Cigarettes they willl ruin your beauty on the inside and out ❤ i am drunk rifgt now and stupid me dumped a woman named Erica cause she drank too much she had liver poisoning once i thought her skin was yellow i tried to sober her up i wasn’t a drinker back then i am kicking myself now cause she accepted me little dick and all. Like WTF WASi thinking .I need to get her back or just wait 4 u 20 years.
it’s obvious you are drunk
yes I was but now I am in chastity with a Eunich style flat cage. And no longer think with my penis cause it’s back inside. And has no affection
Mistress Erika gave me the best 30 mins I’ve ever had on any phone session. Took the time to email her ahead of time to discuss my kinks and the call was absolutely mind blowing. I was left drained and covered in ruined orgasms like a true slut. I cannot wait to call again. Until then I’ll be continuing the assignment she gave me during our call!
hey Jay! I sure did have a lot of fun! You are so expressive and your energy lent to this amazing session too! Thank you for
taking the time to leave a comment and a fantastic review!
Thank you goddess! I can’t wait for our next call!
I know drunk and tecting a beautiful woman like Misstress Erika . I lost 28 pounds went from 200 pounds to 172 i almost gave up bread completely just an occasional a samwhich but i amwilling to make you a samwhich anytime your heart desires one . I can’t post on Twitter got banned cause i said i hope the virus dies . I post on Word press and i post revealing photos and all blogs from the lovely Enchantrix Ladies but not much response
I’m sure you didn’t get band just because of virus talk, I remember your twitter it was so far FROM TOS I’m surprised
you lasted that long! Where are you marking your blog to bring it to the attention of the masses
Yes i did get banned from Twitter for that statement. I checked also i am now on Word Press and my Blog is April$ ???? World
I am on sissy meet and cd fling nice sites for someone like me
Good luck with that, sweetie!
Wow Mistress Erika. Just reading most of your and it is awesome, I am very impressed with your knowledge on every subject on your blog. Will have to call you.
Hi RB! I’m glad you are enjoying yourself and I look forward to your session!
Hi Goddess Erika, I already miss you so i hope i get my phone sent this week. It has already been two weeks since you have ignored me. I am going crazy.
Hi slave! oh I know how challenging it is for you not to be in my orbit! Even tho I ignore you!
I saw your tweet about a two Mistress Ignore call, with the lovely Ms Becky! Yumm! Can’t wait!
First off, let me rest my arm from the amount of scrolling I had to do to get down here to comment. Then let me commend you for having cultivated such an obedient and attentive harem of subbies! Also- THIS: “True Domination Starts After The Orgasm” BOOM!!!!
Hi Ms Becky! Thank you for visiting! Something has gone awry with my blog, not getting notifications of comments. Gonna have to fix that!
Yes, you are right Ms Becky, I do have a harem of #ErikaAddicts and I adore them!
There are a lot more women into sissies than I ever realized being on sissy meet site . But it seemed like more talk than action. I was quite surprised at the amount and content of the chatting. But I supposed times being as they are actual hookups didn’t happen. I have gotten a new phone and sissy site didn’t transfer to new phone. I didn’t mind at the time cause I was in sissy purge mode but after a year of useless manhood I feel sissy destiny is returning
Look who’d back! Slim Shady! WOO HOO Hi April!
Hi Erika ! I am taking my sissyfication to the next level . Hunter told me on her chastity blog about the fu fu.clip . Miss Rachel has all the information about it . I read it and it will Shurley cure my little problem . I have 2 ordered . I noticed you commented there. I can’t hardly wait to get it . This will make going out crossdressed more comfortable than tucking or the other method of two pair of pantyhose and panties. Maybe even make it seem like camel toe and go to beach enfeme
Wearing the Fu Fu clip is very liberating
It pushes everything up hidden inside no locks required
The scrotum skin is pulled through these loops so no bulge is detected Great for those who go out crossdressed and those seeking gender reassignment surgery
Thanks for your comment AST!
Your really smart
???? Twitter banned me again ???????????????? actually I am glad ???????????? because Reddit is way more fun once I figured it out
Hi April, with your behavior don’t be surprised if you get kicked off reddit too! you naughty slut! LOL
Being a naughty slut is fun ???? actually I haven’t been too naughty a girl in the real world after my Cocktober adventures on the beach ended
Red tide came in and ruined any orgasm I could give or get at the gay beach then the cold weather messed up any possibility of sexual adventures . Now I have phnumonia and must lay very still or cough my head off. So I spend my time gooning porn.When I am in guy mode i have been helping the homeless street people. Giving them blankets and water and food snacks and clothing since the Christmas cold ❄️ spell.Also bought tarps at Harbor freight so they can cover themselves in the rain ????️. So far Reddit did boot me from some chats and yes I should be more careful
That’s great april, feel better!
Turns out your right again Reddit put me in the Penalty Box for 3 days not because of sexual baddnes but because of some stupid remark I made . There was a birthday party in a video clip of a dude with his birthday cake in front a chick runs up and takes some.of the cake and smashers the cake in his face. The video did not show her face Also in none of the comments did they explain why or what ❓???? So I counted
That the woman was angry with her boyfriend cause maybe he was cheating on her
Reddit ban me from making comments and liking anything
I never seen her face and cake boys face was covered in cake. Like what. I seen do much stuff on Reddit that’s a million times worse. (redacted) I go to Dr on Friday still have cough when the Benadryl and Sambuca wear off
And I missed some beautiful days at the beach. I hope you are doing well. I hope you are having some fun ???????????? and not all work and no play. Even though work is your play. Do you ever get to the beach wearing a skimpy bikini. ? Red I assume
OH april! you are naughty, you can’t stay out of trouble I even had to fix your comments for my blog! LOL
I do get to the beach! I have white , purple, blue patterned!
My guess is that your swim wear tastes are a little on the conservative side not a thong or g string ???? but very attractive in a 1960 ‘s sort of Jackie Kennedy style and family appropriate. I could fit in that kind of crowd with my swim wear. On the male side I wear surfer length boxer type swim suit and on the girl side I have worn a one piece swimsuit. But when I go to the isolated free part of the beach I throw the conservative swim wear out the window and get wild. I am almost over phnumonia going for x ray next week the weather here is beautiful missing the beach action.
Hi Goddess Erika. ????♂️????♂️????♂️ I hope you will Welcome me back when i am able to call in again. This has been a challenging time for me the last couple of months that doing calls isn’t that important right now.. Hopefully soon you will ignore me.
I was also thinking that some guys should be boner free in life for cock control but can it also be the same way for sessions. That some guys shouldn’t be spoken to on calls at all ever or even have someone else in the same room when on the phone.
Hi slave,
Of course I will welcome you back, you are my little peanut smuggler slave! LOL Hope things are working out well on your end, and we can get back to treating you how you deserve, humm?
Boner free, humm? Not even a “Chubb”? LOL Not that I’m disagreeing just making sure we are on the same page! What I mean not even an ounce of hard, no swelling. That means changing the chastity cage from “just fits” to “OMG SO SMALL” to allow for zero , none, nilch. , nein engorgement not even a small chub! ????????????????
and dark room phone session is a perfect analogy to limp dick by Mistress! LOL
Wow I love this blog.
Boner Free
Pussy Free
This is the way too be.
I am totally free now to have a sex life with I can enjoy.
I haven’t tried the eggplant ???? symbol for the BBC yeti do some times make eggplant Parm Maybe we should e Mail about BBC I wonder about your experience with the BBC? JUST SO WE CAN keep your blog clean.????I actually have a profile on Tic Tok and for the most part stay out of trouble
Sure April, I offer email packages! Here’s the link and you can email me about pricing and details! https://phonesexassignments.com/product/emails/
I just checked and they are off topic from what I am now curious about with you.
can you use some proper nouns for context? What is “THEY”
oh they referred to link for the phone sex assig me ,/ I wanted to discuss BBC sucking with you and you have no blog for this so I assume it’s not your cup of tea also it’s not mine either but if you were to corice me IDK any how the availability of BBC at my favorite spot is limited and usually spoken for
I had enjoyed the expression on the faces of porn women with a mouthful full of BBC
AST one shouldn’t assume such things, I will absolutely discuss BBC love and admiration with you, just not for free, buttercup. other than the email exchange option, phone option and texting options
you’ll have to keep it PG 13/r here, peanut smuggler ????????
I sent a message PG 5 with ice cream cones. Comment is still under review.
I know you sent it, I’m not posting it, move on