I Need A Femdom

I Need A Femdom

This post: I Need A Femdom was inspired by a conversation I was engaged in at our Kinky Social Network: Enchantrix Empire. I’ve spoken about EE before, here on my blog and on The Weekly Hot Spot where I co-host with the delicious Mistress Olivia, of Experienced...

Your Submissive Reward

Hi there. My first post of 2019 is all about the fun we had last month! Your submissive reward! To thank everyone who has had fun with me in 2018 I had a bit of a fun promotion, where you could win a naughty picture of me, free phone sex minutes and even something...

How to Make Time for Kink

How to make time for kink is the topic of my last blog of 2018. I speak with a lot of people who are not able to explore their kinky side in the life they have found themselves in. They go weeks or months (years?!) repressing their interest and desires and sometimes...

Your Kinky Makeover

Your kinky makeover subject was inspired by my surroundings! If you are a return visitor you know what I mean. If you are  new to my blog, welcom and you  are  probably confused right now. ????????My blog received a fresh new look this week! I’m still learning...