You have traveled this far in the Enchanted Enchantrix Forest, You survived the transformation and powerful grip of Enchantrix Harper. Well done!
Your aching flesh and transformed body fell into a deep coma-like sleep. Haunted sleep. Who are you, what are you,now? Caught between worlds, why you? Why them? Why are they doing this to you? Your dreams torment you even when you rest.
Your journey, pet, is far from done.
There are more lessons for you to learn.
Your Next Stop In The Enchanted Enchantrix Forest
You find yourself awakening leaning against a large tree that is covered in moss. Deep dark forest, damp with a thick mist shrouding you like a cape. The millisecond your brain realizes consciousness Harper’s images flash across your mind’s eye. The Forest, how it transformed you all comes rushing back, your stomach drops heart races, and your hand can’t get to your crotch fast enough. A nervous sweat breaks out on your brow as your chest heaves a heavy sigh.
Wow, what a mindfuck, or was it? Was that soft pretty vulva of your transformation a dream? This F&*ng place! Your brain screams, what is this place? As your lips part, to moan against your pain, your lips pop as you pull your parched lips apart, the desert has evidently taken up residence in your mouth, and you sit in your misery. Breathe, just keep breathing you repeat to yourself.
The earthy scent surrounds you and drenches your senses. The heady scent is so strong you can taste it. Your head spinning, you take a few deep breaths, trying to focus. It just feels better not to move. Your belly grumbles and you can’t remember when you last ate. Your entire body is sore and DEAD tired.
In short order, the need for sustenance outgrew your desire to remain still. As you stretch and try to clear the cobwebs from your mind, you notice a bright light off into the distance, shining its beam through the dense canopy.
Reflecting On Your Journey
Have you stumbled your way through the labyrinth that the Enchantrixes in the Enchanted forest have prepared for you, and Is that beam of light your saving grace, the way out? Your heart leaped at the possibility. Suddenly a large drop of water falls right on your forehead, trickling down the side of your nose, lip, and onto your parched lips. One drop led to two, then three, and soon a steady drip-drip of refreshment trickling down. Tilting your head back and accepting willingly and greedily. Blissfully swallowing mouthfuls of whatever this nectar is. Bit sweet and salty, along with the test of the musky forest. Probably a light rain, above the towering canopy, slowly making it’s way to the forest floor. It didn’t matter to you.
You gulp mouthfuls of refreshing liquid and as your belly begins to swell from your greedy consumption. Leaning your head back, deep breath enjoying the small pleasure of refreshment. When a tingling begins in your belly, like effervescent bubbles, racing, radiating out to all parts of your body. the bubbles increase, like a seltzer bottle that’s been shaken and is now racing through your body. Your body trembles as your head spins again, and your vision dims until you are shrouded in darkness. Your body feels so heavy, you feel so tired and feel like you are drifting off to sleep. You hear the wind begin to whip through the trees, coming closer and closer. With the tornadic winds, there is erie melodic music with it. As the wind picks up and whips around you. Deafening and terrifying, as leaves and dirt fly around, stinging as it slaps and stings your skin. Just when you feel the wind could lift you and spin you away, they begin to fade. A sultry commanding voice reverberates in your brain.
Dreaming Subspace What Is This Place
You were once lost, now you are found. Relax …………………….. the words so inviting, so sensual so teasing, your trepidation eases with each note, each word. Your body swims and sways to the melodic tones, the individual words floating in your mind’s eye, echoing in your head. Surrender, obey, submit, and obey, your cock is not there for your pleasure, it was made to please women. A lesson you will learn, easily or not. Everything you see you feel. Submit, surrender, obey.
Music by (Both ears on, turn up the volume!)
A Ray Of Hope
How long did this go on? Your mind is useless to discern such information. Time had no meaning, meaning had no time. suspended floating, mind swimming. Rendered useless for any concerted thought. Your cock responded to her snake charming as it wiggled in response to her siren song. The voice of the siren quiets. You feel your body becoming lighter, the heaviness lifts and fades as your vision, also returns. Blinking a few times against the light, LIGHT? LIGHT? It’s been so dim and dark in the forest, and as your eyes adjust blink hard against the light.
You attempt to scramble to your knees, to move towards the light but although your body feels light you are frozen into place. The woodsy musk of the forest, ever-present, dances in your senses.
You’ve had a challenging time in the forest, the light of hope is dancing on your face. You look towards it with the hope of millions that the brilliant light will show you the way, out.
As you hope, the beams of light begin to swirl and dance, a bright light tornado. the swirls of light spin seemingly out of control, and with it your cock. Like an invisible energy, your cock springs to life, as it feels light swirling swimming around your already growing cock.
Your Light Of Hope Is Dashed
The swirling light swerves and whips downward, and you recoil as sweeps inches closer as if it were hot as fire, your body tenses as the light swirls around you, enveloping you in its mystical embrace. Your eyes pleading for release gaze up to where the light is, but it is gone, leaving you in the permanent twilight of the forest.
As the light swims and swirls around your body it branches off to two swirls of energy, coming to rest just in front of you as they twist and undulate as the light fades in its wake are two, what you can only describe as Goddesses. The halo of their hair, golden and spiraling over their shoulders and down their backs, past their hips, like a golden veil barely covering their hourglass shapes. Round globes of feminine flesh, sweet apple bottom asses, long slender legs, your eyes feel as if they are bulging out of their sockets, as much as your cock is throbbing in plain sight!
Feel What You See
One of the Goddesses whispers feel what you see, seek what you feel. and blows kiss your way, with the trails of mist showing the way as her breath washes over you in a cool mist. Your body shudders with arousal and her cool icy breath. The Goddesses begin to make out with each other. You are powerless to move, yet you feel movement. Their lips embrace, and your lips feel warm wet, and tingling. As you watch, their soft fingers glide over each other’s curves, your mind spins as you can swear you CAN feel their touch! Sometimes whisper soft, other times firm and thrilling, as their tongues dance,you can feel and taste them
Long slender fingers sliding along their mons, you feel the same sensual touch, torment. Seeing warm wet mouths on breasts, tease and delight your own. The Goddess spins and giggles, and suddenly one has a cock proudly bouncing between her legs. You witness, or should we say you are tormented by the touch and feel of her mouth on your cock. So intense yet so subtle driving you deeper and deeper into your submission. Obey echos, in your noggin.
Your cock edges, over and over. Balls ache as the precum leaks, try as you might to orgasm there is no getting over the top of that orgasmic hill. Even when you witness and in many ways feel the orgasms of your Goddess tormentors, your back arches and pelvic muscles strain to no avail. You’re rendered breathless and delightfully buzzing as if there were an orgasm, but no satisfaction accompanies the sensations.
It seems to excite the Goddesses more as they witness your body contort and undulate, several times you feel yourself on the verge of exploding and as you arrive at the top of that orgasmic hill, your arousal drops back, as if it never happened. Leaving you weaker, leakier, and more desperate than before. You watch as the Goddess penetrates her partner, you cry out in response to the tremendous pressure and pleasure you feel deep inside. And Leak Even More.
Gooner Goner
Has it been hours, or days that you’ve been teased, or tormented? You certainly don’t know. Your poor brain is pudding and you are rendered a gooner goner. Drenched in sweat, occasionally shivering in the cool darkness of the forest floor between your sessions of torment. You whimper and moan please please may I cum?
They would occasionally cuddle between orgasms, and snuggle just at your feet. Take advantage of the break, allowing your poor heart to slow, the sound of your panting breaths echoing in your ears. One look at you and someone might think you are extremely inebriated. They would be correct, you are high on your own hormones. But every so often you’d meekly peep: Please, cum?
The Goddesses, smile or is it a smirk? The lesson you have not learned, you beg for your own pleasure. We never once heard you cry “How may I please you”. Their incantations roared back into your gooner brain, I was made to please women. your head lolled backward, in exhausted defeat.
They begin to dissolve into light, spinning and swirling before you, and then around you, you are lifted up by their light force. They pull you up into the canopy of the giant tree, and you find yourself lying prone in a tangle of vines, facing down to the forest floor. You hear whimpering and moaning and as much as you can see just to your left and right, realize you are not the only one left hanging as your and their cocks.. drip drip drip through the foliage and onto…………………..
Now off with you our toy, it’s onto Mistress Delia, as she has some delicious delights for you over at Beg For Mistress.
Very interesting Goddess Erika. ????♂️????♂️????♂️ I enjoyed reading this.
Thank you slave!????????
I love this story! As a fan of prolonged edging and denial, this story is a great progression to the entire train!
Hi Tiger, thank you! coming from you, I appreciate it! ????
Ah, magnificent Mistress Erika! So THAT’S what he quenched his thirst with at the beginning of his journey!
What goes around comes around!
Indeed as you say, this gooner was a goner…right from the git go!
What a beautifully worded adventure of “ERotIKA”
Finding myself in that predicament does have one redeeming factor going for me.
At long last I could finally say “I’m hung!”
Yes indeed Mistress Erika without a doubt this essay is “Good to the Last Drop!”
LOL OH thank you peg! So far two of you who read the blog “Got the drip drip drip” tee hee. Nice play with Erika and Erotica too, my little cherub!
Thank you for your support! ????????
LOL OH and I JUST picked myself off the floor after “at long last, Im HUNG!” hahahahaha
You just know Mistress Erika, the poor sap (arboreal pun i suppose) that ends up passed out under me is liable to experience severe dehydration!
Being released from my bonds because I don’t release enough to sustain the ecosystem? I can hear the howls..and it ain’t the wind. It’s the Forest Goddesses laughter!
LOL Oh Peg! hahahahahah
Mmmm ohhhhh I LOVE this story. Nothing feels so good as to be teased and edged for a long time. To constantly be brought to the edge , and then stop. To want sooo bad to cum that you are throbbing and straining and near tears of frustration. You are at the complete mercy of your tormentor. How would you beg to cum ? What deal would you make to be allowed to cum ? I know I would be on my knees begging. But then , I love being on my knees anyway.
Hi BetaBrad! Thanks for your comment, and you highlighted a good point “What would you do to be allowed to cum” for our tormented pet, it was simple put her pleasure first, he couldn’t do that.
But I’ve had guys do all sorts of naughty things in order to earn orgasm, so much fun!
Oooh those Goddesses teased and edged until I’m sure he was delirious and then… hung him out to dry. Or was it to drip? (chuckles) I’m sure he’ll make a nice addition to the tree decorations, and it sounds like he’ll have company. I wonder how many men are dangling in that tree by now?
Hi Duchess! Thanks for stopping by! LOL yes, lovely decorations LOL
How many? I’d say a boat load! You know some guys like to learn lessons the HARD (and dripping way) LOL
Yes, Dear Mistress Erika, yes, I was made to pleasure women, yes, I am a toy for all women, yes Ms. Erika, if for an eternity I serve all women, I will, it was not up to me, no, I will live in this forest of yours. of all mistresses, of all women, to visit and play with me, tease me, torment me, only allowing me to cum when they want, and consume cum as they decide, even when allowed to cum I will not experience the pleasure from it, no, the pleasure is for all you women, you watch me goon, laugh, giggle, see no pleasure on my face, you see only each other frolicking about, feeling the pleasure of each other, the pleasure in the dance of torment, taunting me over and over to the gooning state, never releasing me from it, hanging me in the canopy until you return, I wait, I have no choice but to wait, eventually I realize my role, my most important role, my surrender far behind me, my acceptance of my eternal fate, I know I will never escape it so I relish it, I appreciate it, I have come to realize I have been given life for eternity for as long as I remain a toy, a mere pet for all women to entertain and amuse themselves with, I long for your visit, immediately become hard and drip pre-cum like Pavlov’s dog whenever I hear your voices approaching through the forest, see the swirling light becoming brighter and brighter, we greet again, you play and frolic about in front of me, drive me insane with your own pleasure and my ears are rewarded with your laughter, your giggling, I feel your fingers poking at me, prodding me toward the gooning state, I hear you say, oh look at THAT!, he cums but feels nothing, yay! ha ha ha! fill the bucket, plunge his face in it, dump it over his head, yes, that’s it! now, let’s depart, we need to go shopping for more teasing lingerie, for when we return, bye for now goon.
OMG D! you went all out with this comment, bet your cock got hard, humm? you are so creative!Thank you!
Yes, yes Mistress Erika, thank you Mistress Erika. The day you indoctrinated me my cock got hard for this, for you, for all mistresses, for all women to be played with. I wait and long for the eventual day when you and Mistress Olivia will come to the forest to play with me.
I know you must wait for me to save 80, 100, or more cum loads to dump over my head, to entertain you both. I know my place, thank you Goddess, thank you.
Oh D! You are such a cum tease! I too am dreaming of that day! Yummm! I can hear our laughter now, can’t you! ????????
Yes! I can hear your laughter!!!!!!
I LOVE that sound!
And it will be even better than our Bukkake Indoctrination session Ms. Erika!
I will literally dump all that cum over my head, in the shower, after you two have had your fun with me, my sole purpose these days!
Ooooooooooh yeees!
“There’s that look again.”
I am entranced by your prose, Headmistress Erika.
My mouth is open and turned upward.
Drip, drip, drip…
Mmmmmmm delicious my little sissy cumslut!
I think that I shall never see… the shade of the Bukkake tree..
(Profound apologies to Joyce Kilmer)
Well written, Ms Erika!
Jemmie! So good to see you over here…….. You’ll never see the shade? LOL Why is that Jem Jem, have you learned your lessons well? ????????